Travel and books are two of my most favourite things, both of them give me peace and the strength to fight the real world. Adventure books have a way of making us lost in their fictional world and make us inspire. Travel is another way to take us away from real life hassles. So combining these two is the best way to fulfil the wanderlust inside us. One who has tasted the true joy of travelling can only understand how adventurous it can really get.
So, if you are planning to have a trip, then these best selling travel books is going to give you some serious exploring goals…
The AlchemistThe Alchemist by Paulo Coelho –

The best classic travel book to inspire people to their journey. The Alchemist may be a simple story but it teaches us the most important things in life that we tend to overlook. The story implicates a shepherd boy who follows his heart and travel from Spain to Egypt in search of treasure but instead finds himself. And on his way, he faces many obstacles but that doesn’t stop him. Throughout his journey, we discover the philosophy of life and how to face life problems as well. This is definitely an adventure-filled book that can also help in our lives.
The Beach by Alex Garland –

The Beach
Set in Thailand, this book is part adventure novel and part social commentary. You must have seen the film played by Leonardo DiCaprio as Richard. The story is simple, a young traveller named Richard was given a map to the hidden beach by an older traveller, Daffy. Who then killed himself for an unknown reason. Before going to the hidden beach we see Richard as a simple guy like us but as he gradually became a more solid member, we began to notice his nature changing to become more brutal.
This Beach is filled with the small community of travellers, who have their own playground and position claiming competition as well. Life was going well for Richard but then all the beauty of the beach, the lazy lifestyle started to bore Richard. He wants to go out to his friends and let them discovered this place, but is it that simple?

Into The WildInto The Wild by Jon Krakauer –
Believe it or not “Into The Wild” is a book based on real-life events and then later turn into a film. Unlike other travel books, this one is darker, empowering and hold the power to make you sleepless at night. Christopher McCandless is the main subject of this book, who was later found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in September 1992 at the age of 24. Growing up Chris shows all the potential of a boy with a bright future, even though he was born in a very wealthy family Chris was a brilliant scholar and athlete.
During his post-high-school graduation trip, Chris found out about his dad’s second family and felt awfully betrayed by the fact that their parents keep him in the dark all these years. None the less after coming from the trip Chris starts as a freshman in Emory and when he graduated, Chris donates his $25,000 savings anonymously to charity. From this moment of his life, his true travelling journey begins. Chris has spent months after months pushing himself into the wilderness environment. But at the end how did he die at such a young age?

On The Road by Jon Kerouac –On The Road
This is a classic timeless American book that has a unique writing pattern. Based on the life of the author himself he tells his journey in a jazz-like, rambling diary style narrating. The story is about Sal Paradise which is Kerouac and Dean Moriarty’s cross country hitchhiking journey. The constant movement of this story can make your head spin, the story is filled with their relentless journeys back and forth of the USA. When Dean came to New York City and met Sal, he was intrigued by him and they soon become good friends. Sal also finds Dean active and adventurous, the person Sal always wanted to become. Soon they became travel partners and had crazy adventures together. When Sal was becoming stable in his life, Dean’s appearance made it upside down with his wanderlust.
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Love with A Chance Of Drowning by Torre DeRoche –

This is a “chick flick” memoir story but with an adventurous twist in it. This is a brave story of a girl being end up in a boat, even though she is afraid of the ocean. But why would a person who feared water get on a boat? Because of love, of course. Torre is a city girl, busy with her daily life schedule, going to work earning money than come back to home. And then when she met a man in a bar, she could help but notice the spark between them and was instantly drawn to him. But when this soulful Argentinean man invites her on a world travel in his small sailboat, she becomes tense.
But however, lovesick Torre decided to overcome her fear by joining his boyfriend on this trip. This trip was sometimes hilarious, witty, romantic and of course, adventure-filled. And proves the most important lesson of life that is “some risks are worth taking”.
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The World’s Cheapest Destinations by Tim Leffel –

As the book title is indicating, this is a collaboration of those places which is pocket-friendly. The 21 countries that are enlisted here are perfect for a family destination at a cheap price. If you are one of those people who loves to travel and especially abroad then this book is going to be very helpful to give you a perfect destination. This book is going to guide you with comfortable travel areas, transportation and where to find the best foods in each country. Also, you can narrow down the expenses here, how much to pay for a museum, tourist hotspot etc. All in all, this book is a perfect combination of research and planning to travel abroad in less money.
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Walking the Himalayas by Levison Wood –
Walking The Himalaya
His first book was placed on brutal Afghanistan landmark but this one is surrounded by the calm environment of Himalaya. The writer of this book, in my opinion, is one of the best travel writers on the list. During this adventure, Levison didn’t only manages to survive the cold nature of Himalaya but also discover many secrete along the way. At first, when he finished his journey to the Nile, he thought that he was done with travelling. But soon his wanderlust wake up and he decided to give Himalaya a try. Because Levison is a journalist, the writing quality is catchy and makes you want to read the book non-stop.
The most interesting part can be when Levison met a monk and ask about sow his travel is going to be, monk exact words were “You will complete your journey. You are strong-willed. But first, you will face something terrible.” Evan though, the monk refused to say anything afterwards, his wards soon became truth and they indeed face a hazardous situation. And how did he overcome that, is also a chilling narration?
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Paris Was Ours by Penelope Rowlands –

I’m listing travel books and Paris won’t be here, that is impossible. As we all know the cityParis Was Ours of lights, Paris is the ultimate destination to roam around and eat croissants. This city has a special and calming allure that no other city does. This is a collaboration of 32 author’s essays about French city and their lifestyle. Some of these narrations are meaningful and deep and some of them are shallow. But one thing is in common, which is the expectation each of them holds, many of them told about the things they wanted and expected in this place. But none of them cares enough to share the experience they actually had.
Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni goes on and complains about their rude behaviour of the Parisians which can happen to anyone in any places. The writers were sort-of blaming Parisian for not having their expected experience. Despite these errors, this book gives us a different outlook on the city. That makes it one of the best travel books about Paris.
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Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck –
This is my favourite novel for sure only because of the presence of my favourite four-legged animal. As described in the headline, the main focus of the story is John’s beloved French poodle Charley. The mindset behind taking Charley along in this trip was for the writer’s own benefit. People always come and pet an unknown dog where they don’t talk to a stranger. You see, he uses Charley as a medium to connect with the people. Often the presence of a dog has been commonly used as a comic relief, but this book is different. Even though he is a dog, Charley is the true source of adventure in this book.
How NOT to Travel The World by Lauren Juliff –

Another traveller’s memoir we can thoroughly enjoy. This book is totally different from the other ones. The travel journey of Lauren Juliff tells us exactly how travelling can become dangerous if you are an amateur. Lauren’s witty and charming style of writing is enough to keep you engage on the book. We kind of enjoy her misery in this book because of her witty writing style. During sometimes in her book, I start to get the feeling that she isn’t really fond of travelling. But despite the fact she throws herself in the toughest places for travellers to roam around. Lauren seems to almost suck in a tea house scam in China, lost her teeth and swallowed a cockroach. But even after that, she manages to stumble upon a New Zealander with love of challenges.
What books would you suggests?