You, Me, Her

You thought she would better,
you preferred her skin to mine,
You thought her skin would be the perfect colour to bear your child,
You forget, that without my skin colour, you wouldn't have yours,
You forget, the struggle it takes to be a woman of my colour;
You forget, how we hold you, as a black man;
You forget, how we supported and raised you.
But, I ask you,

Did you work for me?
Did you carry my burden?
Did you build me up, when I got down?
You ridicule me for things you praise her for;
You feed-off my backbone and discredit me;
You let her enjoy the essence of you that I helped create,
You let her disgrace me, because you empower her but not the one that created you;
What you don't see is that, although she says she is colourblind,
She will never be me, she will never truly understand;
The rejection, subjection, neglect;
How you are projected and dejected by her world.